For groups and agencies
Since its inception, GoodMo House has been a popular choice for accommodation among travel groups consisting of a larger number of people. Our property is suitable for groups visiting a country as part of a business or school trip, and we have established a good working relationship with a number of travel arrangers and travel offices, who were looking for a place to stay for their travelling party. If you and your group is planning to stay in Budapest for a few days, and you are looking for an ideal property to spend your nights at, look no further than GoodMo House.
In our history of working together with larger groups and travel organizers, we have established a solid set of services we can offer to you and your party visiting the capital. With 140 beds in 34 rooms, we can offer accommodation for groups the size of 20 up to 150 people. There is a wide range of accommodation types available, rooms ranging from private apartments to 14-bed dorms.
Furthermore, for your travelling party we can offer:
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We also provide accommodation for the guides and the drivers, as well as parking space close to the property.
Hotel & Apartman
12 Rooms
Hostel Dorms
18 Rooms / 150 people
Student Exchange
16 Rooms / 50 people
pm2am Student Trips
Sunweb / Sundio
FunBreak Travel Agency
AVEA La Poste
Diogenes Reizen
Budaguide Travel
VOX Travel
Cityrama Budapest
Excalibur Tours
Quality Tours
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